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About IdCheck

Hello boys and girls. My name is Habio, and I am available 24 hours to scan and see which of your friends are on Yahoo Messenger invisible. Everything is free so you can use this indefinitely. Your friends know about me? If not, don't wait to tell everybody about me, Idcheck.blogspot.com!

Check who is Invisible on Yahoo

Invisible Detector

What is Yahoo invisible scanner?

Welcome to your favorite status scanner!
It can now check yahoo online IDs on Yahoo! Webmessenger, Meebo, Pidgin, eBuddy and other.

How do I use invisible scanner?

You put a Yahoo Messenger ID in the box and click Check user. It will check and show you if the yahoo ID is invisible, online or offline. It also shows the avatar and other information about yahoo IDs.

Why should I use this?

Because it's a simple and effective way to detect invisible buddies (presently invisible status is not working), you don't have to install other software which might be malware, spyware or other security risks.

I see an ID online but the site shows it invisible. What's wrong?

That user has the "Allow websites to show when I am online" option unchecked in Yahoo Messenger Prefferences under Privacy. This means that he or she appears to be invisible or offline to websites such as Yahoo Mail that shows the status of each user name by adding a smily face next to each id in emails.

When I'm online, I see an ID offline, but the site shows it online. What's wrong?

In this case, that ID marked you "Appear permanently offline to " so he is realy online and invisible only too you.

How many scans can I perform?

You can do a unlimited scans